Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday

When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed.
When you are discouraged thinking all is lost.
Count your many blessings name them one by one
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

Don't we all need to stop and do that...everyday would be good wouldn't it? Well, I feel that I often forget how God has blessed me and I think if I struggle will my children as well? I don't want that! But God knows that and He has worked some things out in our lives so that He could plant an idea in my heart.

Lately it seems like the Lord has showered us with quite a few blessings. The children have been able to see His goodness quite clearly and that has opended the door for a great opportunity.

Because I would love for my children to grow to be people who are thankful for the big blessings as well as the little ones and to acknowledge God's goodness in their lives and remember what He has done for them, my heart pleaded for something to help with this. God, as always, showed me where to start.

(Nothing fancy but effective.)

It's our "Board O'Blessings" or "Bendiciones" (blessings in Spanish). The idea is really quite simple. This is what we do:

Everytime the Lord blesses us we take an index card, write down our blessing and stick it to the board. Then we sing the chorus to the old hymn "Count Your Blessings".

This way we all have visual reminders of how truly rich in Christ we are. It also helps us stay keenly aware of two things:

1. God takes care of His own.
2. We need to be a blessing to others.

This was such a small thing but it has made a difference in our lives already! I'll leave you with the chorus to the hymn that I opened with, Count Your Blessings,

Count your blessings name then one by one.
Count your blessings see what God has done.
Count your blessings. Name them one by one.
Count your many blessings see what God has done.

Thank you Lord for being an awesome God!! I love You!

Lovin' Learnin'

1 comment:

  1. I like that!
    My dd recently decided to make a journal that is specifically for the blessings that we are given each day. She hasn't made it yet (she may have gotten sidetracked) but this post reminded me and I am going to remind her :)


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