Thursday, July 23, 2009

Finally done with our first unit!!

So after deciding to start a schedule with the kiddos everything began to happen at once! I won't go into all the gorry details but I'm hoping that I'm not the only one this keeps happening to!! How fitting is it that when you get into a groove things get crazy?! Hmmm....

Anyway we finished up our first unit in Little Hands this week! Yay!!! And let me tell you the boy LOVES it!!! Even his 7 and 5 year old sisters love it!! The day we read about Adam and Eve being sent out of the Garden on Eden for disobeying we also "acted this out" by pretending Daddy's tie was a snake trying to get us to disobey. They had to jump over it every which way to try to keep the "snake" from tricking them into sinning as well. THEY HAD A BLAST!!

When I read that in the manual I thought I'd just skip it cause we were behind already but I'm glad I didn't!! Everything has been great fun for the kiddos!

Reading our devotion for the day.

There is pure elation on that boy's face!!

His first page for the number notebook.

Hunting for 'A'

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