Here is Brother cutting out two hands for his number notebook. It took us a while before we found some that he liked. He really is a picky little fella! But we finally found some and he did pretty well cutting them out...okay so I'm lying! I drew a circle around the hands so he would have something to follow and he didn't get any where near the circle! But I'm sure with practice he will get better! Hey, those hands are made for Legos, cars, trains and digging in the dirt!! ;) The finished product was nice and he seems pleased...or maybe he's just glad to be done with the scissors?!
Since our number was 2 I pulled out some number sheets that I had printed off a while back to use with him. They are the coolest sheets and he really loves them! The are number pages except the numbers look like roads and he uses his cars to drive them on the road carefully following the shape of the road/number. What a fun way for him to learn the formation of the number! All of these sheets get neatly tucked away in his very own notebook. He was so excited when we made this for him and loves to look through it at all the work that he's done! I can't wait to fill it with more memories of his Little Hands time! He also did some painting today while his sisters did their drawing.
I wrote out a captial 'B' and a small 'b' on a piece of paper for him to paint. He chose two colors: green and blue of course!! This was a fun activity for him as he loves anything that is easily made into a mess...although he was rather neat today! He did get a little carried away with the paint however and when he was finished the page just looked like one big blob of paint so once it dried I went over the letters with a black that's more like it!