Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rainy Day...It's Okay, We Have SLIME!

So we woke up to pouring rain this morning. Gray skies, wet soggy yards and cold temps usually leadsto indoor chaos...but not today.

While perusing Facebook very quickly this morning I came across a post a friend of mine over at It's Just Laine had up. She is an amazing woman who dabbles in all sorts of creative things...and the results are usually pretty great. 

Anyway, she had posted a few ideas for rainy day fun. You can find that post here. I was intrigued by the coolness and simplicity of the Gook. So, five minutes later we were doing this.

Let me tell you this stuff is so cool!!! It's hard at first but turns to slime in your hands. The 4 year old is LOVING it! She's been occupied for about 30 minutes straight now. And for her that's a BIG deal! 

So if you're interested in stirring up some quick fun head on over to It's Just Laine and create your own slime. You most likely have all you need in your pantry anyway (cornstarch, water and food color) and with the bad weather encompassing most of the US today I'm sure some of you could use some distraction! :) Now...off to find something for this cutie!

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